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Application Requirements

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Application Requirements Empty Application Requirements

Post  Ardor Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:37 pm

Welcome all potential applicants! We are looking for talented artists to join our team and help Utasia go public!

If you'd like to learn a little bit more about Utasia before applying, check out this topic!

Here are our currently open paid positions.

Open Paid Positions
Pet Artist - filled
Monster Artist - open
Monster Artist - filled
Map Artist - open
NPC Artist - open
Item Artist - open
Item Artist - open
Item Artist - filled

Battle Opponents (monsters)
Application Requirements JunkyardApplication Requirements Slime1

We are currently looking for monster artists to draw creatures for our battle system. They must be done in cell shade with 1px black lines. Canvas size can be up to 300x300.


Items should be well shaded and lines should not be overly thick. The items Utasia needs will range from toys, plushies, weapons, armors, food, and various other items. Items are drawn in 75x75. Transparency is good.
Application Requirements RubyApplication Requirements SleepingDragonPlushieApplication Requirements PumpkinApplication Requirements 2012_04_summonedmace


Application Requirements PortMap

Maps for towns are not done in the typical Neopets style, but instead in a more scenic style. They are cell shaded as you can see and are 500x300. We are always hiring map artists!


Application Requirements Alchemist

Npcs are done in the cell shade style with 1px black lines, and are about 340x370. We are always hiring NPC artists!


Base Payment System

1 complete Monster/Pet = 10,000 credits (10 USD)
1 complete Item = 2,000 credits (2 USD)
Item Recolor = 500 credits (0.50)
1 complete NPC = 20,000 credits (20 USD)
1 complete Map = 25,000 credits (25 USD)
1 complete Banner = 2,000 - 5,000 credits (2 - 5 USD)
1 complete Avatar = 1,000 - 3,000 credits (1 - 3 USD non-animated/animated)

When you complete an art piece then it will be logged in the form of Credits. These credits will be tallied for each artist in a running total. At the end of each month you can request how many credits you would like to exchange for USD cash through paypal. If you chose to exchange, then please cap your request at 50$ per month so that I can keep my budget for Utasia stable.

If you would like to volunteer your time and effort into making Utasia possible then please use this application format.

Our current minimum monthly quota is completing at least 10$ worth of art work.

If you miss the quota for two months in a row without letting us know that you need some time off then you may be dismissed from the staff team. So please make sure your quota estimate is realistic when you apply. If you claim you can deliver 20 items per week then make sure you DO deliver 20 items a week.

Always include your art examples when you apply. They must match the style and quality that has been set. It's good to include a few examples of each type of art that you are skilled in. (IE items, maps, pets)

Time zone:
Contact Info:
Applied for position:
Permanent or temporary position:
Are you currently working for any other sites?
Can you meet the minimum monthly quota for art?
What are your strong points in drawing?
What things are you not able to draw?
Please post examples of your art:
Closing comments:

So please join our team here at Utasia and help us make it great!
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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