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About Utasia

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About Utasia Empty About Utasia

Post  Ardor Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:37 pm

About Utasia Utasia

So what makes Utasia different from other pet sites?
Many pet sites have the same old thing to do. You feed your pet (MAYBE), you restock, you play novel flash games that you soon get bored with, you do some dailies and you chat on the forums. Maybe you save up LOTS of money to buy a pet color for your pet.
Are you bored of the same old same old?

Utasia was built AROUND the idea of giving the players MORE. At our core we try our best to improve upon existing features and making them more exciting and unique. We cater towards young adult players, unlike many pet sites. You won't find yourself surrounded by children at Utasia. So let's find out more shall we?

About Utasia Kymeri-Beast2

The Bells&Whistles

I don't want to spoil too much obviously. But curious to know what features make us special? Well look no farther!

[Pet Evolution]
About Utasia MysticMagnusIconB
This isn't your typical Pokemon knock-off here. Your pet has many different evolutionary PATHS that it can go down, which all depends on how you play the game. Do you like doing quests more than battling? Your pet will evolve accordingly to how you treat it and what goals you achieve together.

[Exploring the Unknown]
About Utasia SkeletonKymeriIconB
Utasia will feature an immersing RPG-style world that you can explore and interact with at your own pace and on your own terms. This system seemlessly incorporates the main plot of Utasia that anyone can enjoy playing.

[The Battle System]
About Utasia BaseDraekorIconB

I find that a lot of virtual pet games have a lacking battle system. It's boring, and your chance of winning is only dependent on how expensive your weapons are. Not so with Utasia! While deciding on how to make our system strategic I took most of the inspiration from how card games play. If you are a fan of strategy card games then you will like our battle system!

About Utasia BasKymeriIconB

Community is a key part of all virtual pet sites, and it's no different with us. We have a very well developed guild system, called Factions. You'll find that the Factions have ALL the bells and whistles that you expect them to have, plus a little extra.
Even though our site is not restricted to application only, I admire the quality that such a system usually brings to the community. All users can play every aspect of the game freely, and can browse the forums. However, you must submit an application to be able to join the forums and to have the ability to post. This will prevent spammers and riff-raff from plaguing the forum community. And of course we have sections of the forum that are only for 18+ users to relax in.

We will also frequently run contests and competitions on a monthly basis, and have plenty of give-a-ways. Don't expect to see auto-updates everywhere!

[The Expected]
About Utasia BaseMagnusIconB

Utasia is a full featured site. We will of course have ALL the standard features of any pet site, such as trades, multiple bank accounts with interest tiers, browser games, and an involved pet care system.
Our pet creation system is also out of the ordinary. And don't worry about not getting the name you want for your pet, pet names are non-unique!

So what are you waiting for? Register an account here to view the rest of the forums and see the real sneak peaks!
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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