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Reedflower's Map Artist Application

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Reedflower's Map Artist Application Empty Reedflower's Map Artist Application

Post  Reedflower Sun May 06, 2012 11:39 pm

Name/Nickname: Larissa
Age: 14
Time zone: EST
Contact Info: reedflower99@yahoo.ca
Applied for position: Map Artist (Or anything else that has become available if this is not up to date.)
Permanent or temporary position: Permanent
Are you currently working for any other sites? I work as a Moderator on a roleplay site, but I do not work for any sites as an artist.
Can you meet the minimum monthly quota for art? Yes
What are your strong points in drawing? Animals and fantasy creatures.
What things are you not able to draw? There isn't really anything I can't draw, just things that are more of a challenge.
Please post examples of your art:
Reedflower's Map Artist Application Incoming_by_reedflower101-d3cm7v8
Reedflower's Map Artist Application Seabreeze_by_reedflower101-d3cm7ep
Reedflower's Map Artist Application Midmorning_stroll_by_reedflower101-d3cgrt2
Reedflower's Map Artist Application Glowy_fun_by_reedflower101-d4kg51a
Reedflower's Map Artist Application Transitions_by_reedflower101-d4wjquk
Closing comments: I'm very diverse as an artist and can match styles well. I haven't done a lot in the style of this site, but hopefully what I have to show you is a good example of what I can do.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-05-04

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Reedflower's Map Artist Application Empty Re: Reedflower's Map Artist Application

Post  Ardor Tue May 08, 2012 10:12 pm

Thank you for applying for artist reedflower, it's always a pleasure to see new applications and interested people.
I enjoyed looking over your art examples, i do love dragons. However for the map artist position I'm not seeing the style of map art that we're looking for. I know that like you said you don't have many examples in that area, but since the position can only afford one person I can't fill it without examples that show a very clear style match. I will however keep your application on file and I will contact you if other positions open. :3

Thanks for applying and also patiently waiting on a reply! You should stick around since we're making rapid progress towards opening the site.
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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