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Writer Application + Information

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Writer Application + Information Empty Writer Application + Information

Post  Cirque Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:04 am

Hello, and welcome all potential applicants! Utasia is currently seeking talented writers to help build this VPS into something truly magnificent. All writers will need to know Utasia inside and out in order to do their job. If you have any questions, don't be shy. Either Ardor or I (Cirque) would be glad to give you more information, and help you understand the bells and whistles of it all.

One thing to keep in mind is that Utasia is geared towards the older teen/adult age group. It's important for Utasia to cater to this crowd in every area. So feel free to loosen up a bit with your writing, we have a sense of humor here dammit!

Your job as a writer will be to make item descriptions, write quests, provide ideas for new content, write page content, guides, articles for our help section, and even potential plots. If you prefer doing some jobs over others, don't sweat about it -- we're flexible, and we'll try incorporate you into your favored areas and leave you out of the things you don't want to do.

If you would like to apply then please use this form below.

Name (optional):
Country + Time Zone:
Contact Info:
How often/long are you on online?:
Are you working for any other projects currently?:
What are your strong points in writing?:
What are your weak points in writing?:
Please write a humorous description for an Axe Plushie:
Write a potential plot for Utasia. It doesn't need to be lengthy.:

As we are still in the development stages of the site, writers will be paid in site credits. 1000 credits = 1 USD

Staff Rewards

(Rewards are currently being debated)

Payment System

Item Description: 500 credits
NPC Dialog: 1,000 credits
Full Article: 5,000 credits
Complete Quest: 2,000 credits
Misc Page Content: 1,000 credits

You can spend these credits on site bonuses and staff bonuses. Once Utasia is up and running you will instantly be credited with all the credits you have earned during development. Afterwards, writers will receive their credits on a weekly basis. Once Utasia is able to afford to pay writers then credits can be exchanged for cash. As for right now Utasia can only afford to pay artists and programmers, so be patient.



Owner: Ardor
Lead Writer/Mod: Cirque
Lead Artist: Draco
Programmer: Haley

Thank You.
~Cirque + Ardor
Lead Writer

Posts : 330
Join date : 2011-07-09
Location : 2 kewl 4 skewl

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