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Head Artist and Head Writer

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Head Artist and Head Writer Empty Head Artist and Head Writer

Post  Ardor Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:15 am

So I've given this thought for about 2-3 months now and I'm decided who to promote to our new Heads for the departments we have and I'll explain a little bit why I chose.

Cirque aka Prinx will be our Head Writer. I feel like I can trust her at the top always and I know she has the dedication to take on what will be a big job when we open. If you want to take a gander at the Lead Writer's responsibilities then they are listed in the Staff Lounge forum.

Draco will be the Head Artist. I feel like Draco has a great grasp on dimension and proportion which is the basis for good art. He isn't afraid to give constructive criticism to keep our quality control at it's proper level. The responsibilities of the Head artist can also be found in the Staff Lounge.

Once we're in beta then the real job begins but the leads will continue to provide quality control until then and have the say on what's accepted or not.

Congratulations ;3
Awesome Sexypants

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Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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