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Status Update: April

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Status Update: April Empty Status Update: April

Post  Ardor Tue May 01, 2012 12:11 am

Hey everyone I'm back with another exciting monthly update!

Our facebook is officially ready for you to gaze upon.

We will be hosting tons of contests on there in the very near future, like I had mentioned before. This includes limited grand-opening items that will be rewarded to participants, and getting more likes and shares will mean more sneak peaks, among other exciting things.
I also posted a quick sneak peak on our facebook showing off some art if you want to check it out. Don't forget to like it so that others can check it out too!

We're about to start advertising Utasia soon, as soon as we have a pretty splash page for our website.

We have A LOT of art finished, and we're making excellent progress towards getting it all complete. We will also most likely make a big jump in progress with the coding in the site during the summer time. Our goal of opening in the fall looks very solid. I'm excited to be on track, we've come a long way since August.
The progress report is updated, so you can check out how far along we are.

Those are the updates that I can think of to share with you guys. Stick around because it's going to get exciting during the next few months!
Status Update: April VolcanicMagnusIconB
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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