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Status Update: June

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Status Update: June Empty Status Update: June

Post  Ardor Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:46 pm

Welcome back everyone to our latest monthly update. June was a good month for us, we're making excellent progress on the site. Our programmer let us know that we can make tons of progress in coding over the next two or so months. So our next update for July will actually be pretty exciting. We picked up two new artists this month, which will help us get alot done.
On other notes, I got a new job that pays more with better hours. It's also a lot less chaotic. Which is obviously beneficial for our budget.

We also are in the beginning stages of alpha testing. That will become more exciting over the next month or two as we make big strides in coding. If you'd like to apply for alpha testing then you can PM me with your application.

Don't forget to check out our facebook and like us. Also voting in our current poll is very appreciated.

We also have referral banners for you to use if you'd like to help us advertise Utasia!
Status Update: June Referralbanner2
Status Update: June Referralbanner1
Status Update: June Fbiconanimated

Here's some of our sexy items.
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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