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Status Update: March

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Status Update: March Empty Status Update: March

Post  Ardor Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:55 pm

Hey everyone it's nice to be back on track! If you read our announcement post then you already know that the project is no longer on hold, and we actually will be able to release the site this year. It's going to get pretty hectic but the bird is in hand so to speak. Our initial funding is secured and will be enough to do what we want to do. So I'll let you know what we've done so far, what we are working on and what to expect from us this year.

All the item art is done, which were quite a few items. But that large bulk of artwork is finished, so now we will be finishing the pet evolutionary lines. The browser game art is 99% finished. We have concepted a fantastic rpg-style explore feature that will also be browser based. We are currently working on the scene art for this feature. This explore feature is heavily written in true rpg fashion with many quests to keep our players busy, and we rely on the writing as the most immersing feature for game play. We will also be working on NPC art. So we will have about 3 or 4 artists on the staff team, a considerable down size from before. But that is where we are as far as the art department is concerned.

Our programmer thinks we can be coded in around 6 months give or take, which is exciting. It's also our most expensive feature because of the quality and quantity of features. We won't be able to release in the summer, but hopefully I can get the site out fully in the autumn or winter at the most. We have alpha testing and beta testing to consider, and we will also open a Kickstarter fund at around that time. The Kickstarter will help us secure great hosting servers and will feature stretch goals that will help us release some great features earlier than currently possible. Those features are things like more continents to explore in the rpg, guild features, more games and player-tournaments.

This month we got the site layout, news system, forums and notifications finished. A great landscape artist joined the team, we acquired a better domain name, and I got some legal stuff done. Check our progress report every two weeks for more programming updates and like us on facebook!
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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