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Status Update: October

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Status Update: October Empty Status Update: October

Post  Ardor Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:33 pm

Hey everyone, sorry for the late update. I actually had a medical emergency last month and so I've had other things to worry about lately thats kept me away from Utasia during the past few weeks. Unfortunately our writing department fell behind during that time, but hopefully I can get the team motivated again to work on the writing side during our down time.

I hope that the down time doesn't last much longer, I want to see if the financial assistance I applied for will help with my big medical bills or not. I'm hoping it will, but my desire to finish Utasia is still as strong as it was so the project will get completed one way or another. Hopefully we can get moving again around or after January, we'll see!

Awesome Sexypants

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Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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