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Training Thread for Lead Writer

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Training Thread for Lead Writer Empty Training Thread for Lead Writer

Post  Ardor Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:12 pm

This thread will stay here for future reference.

Organization is the key to success in my opinion. When you see a forum that's messy and information is randomly scattered everywhere, it's a turn off. You don't feel like doing anything because looking for what you need is just too much work.
This forum is very organized and I'm constantly looking for ways to improve it, and it will stay that way. The lead writer will be helping me with this task now and after we open. So I want to make sure it gets done right, because I don't like having to correct mistakes constantly, it fucks the whole system up.

This is basically a guide on how you keep your section and staff organized.
It's the Lead Writer's job to keep the writing sections organized, because it's the section that's the easiest to lose control of. The programmer can't go around searching through pages of everyone's threads just to find a newspaper article, so we need to make sure this stays very clean. There are sections in the Finished Work forum for each type of writing, Quests, Newspaper, Help Articles, Misc Page Content, and NPC dialogs. As soon as a writer finishes a piece, get it organized into the Finish Work forum as long as it doesn't require art, like a quest for example. Remember that the Lead Artist will take care of the item descriptions. If you don't organize it ASAP you'll forget and then have to hunt for it later.

Other than organizing the writing you'll have some other fun duties lined up for you. It's the lead writer's job to put together the newspaper for each week. This means you'll have to ask writers to do an article, or a guide. Once you have all of your writing ready, you'll have to chose what articles will be previewed on the Front Page of the newspaper. Then you'll have to pick out some user-submitted or staff submitted Comics for the Comics page. You'll have to pick out some questions for the editorial and get some answers. Then the classifieds will have to be picked from the user submissions, along with some short stories for the story section. Once you have everything together and finished, then post it in the Finished Work forum. It's a lot of work I KNOW. Don't worry I'll be helping you out with this.

You also have to take care of going through submissions for the writing contest, and then pick winners. Then you can make a news update about that once per week. News updates in general are an important responsibility of yours, but don't worry I'll be doing most of them. Mainly you need to take care of the newspaper and writing contests.

The lead writer has the pick of the writer staff applicants and it is their responsibility to go through the applications and approve/disapprove of them. The approvals get sent to me for the final approval.

So that's the main jist of it. I'll do my very best to assist you since it's a good amount of responsibility. You can PM me or email me if you need anything at all or have any questions.
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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