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Training Thread for the Lead Artist

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Training Thread for the Lead Artist Empty Training Thread for the Lead Artist

Post  Ardor Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:53 pm

This is a good misc forum to post this in. I want to keep this here for future reference.

Organization is the key to success in my opinion. When you see a forum that's messy and information is randomly scattered everywhere, it's a turn off. You don't feel like doing anything because looking for what you need is just too much work.
This forum is very organized and I'm constantly looking for ways to improve it, and it will stay that way. The lead artist will be helping me with this task now and after we open. So I want to make sure it gets done right, because I don't like having to correct mistakes constantly, it fucks the whole system up.

So anyways, here is my little 'guide' if you will to keeping your section and your staff organized.

It's the Lead Artist's job to first and foremost make sure that things get done. This is the most critical time to get art done, because you can't have a pet site without the appropriate art. Artists have the freedom to chose what assignments they want to do. But it's the Lead's job to make sure it gets done. If it's an item I need it to be finished by the end of the week, and if it's a pet evo it needs to be done within 1 - 2 weeks time. If it isn't finished by then please ask another artist if they can do it. This may seem harsh but we seriously need to stay on schedule.

Second, you need to make sure that the art is done up to standards. If the shading is awful, don't let it go through! I'm not saying everything has to be perfect, but seriously if it looks REPULSIVE then why would it be accepted? Give the artists some guidance: Make the shading darker, fix the face because it looks like the exorcist, etc.

Finally keep the art organized. Post it in the appropriate area in the Finished Work forum. Do not make a new post if there's already a section to place the art. For example in the Item section each 'post' is organized by the item type, so edit that thread with the Art AND the description.

There are some lesser duties you can chose to work in or not. The lead artist is not required to do any art, but it would be awesome if you could find the time. Also you may credit artists will their payment when they make new art if you want to. I personally keep up with that as much as possible but you'll be allowed to do it as well.

When the site opens you'll have the responsibility of uploading art with their descriptions into the data base and making news updates about them. You will also be judging the art contests.

If you have any questions about anything just PM or email me. :3 Thanks
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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