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Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

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Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Empty Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

Post  Raven Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:48 pm

Ba dum tss.
Thank you, thank you.

Well, I got a couple of bases to cover before we commence - first of all, that title would have been a hell of a lot funnier if you knew my name was Raven. However, for some reason or another, despite checking the memberlist, all four of the names I most commonly go by (sans Raven, they're not even common) were taken (1).

Secondly, I have read the October Newsletter, so if I've responded at a time of inconvenience for the staff (or, you know, you filled the slots already) let me know so I may promptly and appropriately wallow in my shame. Lastly, I prefer not to be a very serious person, but despite that I'm able to be professional. So if my humorous take on this application (you did ask for it, after all) irks you, let me know and I'll take a more serious approach.

Oh, and I edit a lot, to save progress mostly. So please don't focus on the number of edits at the bottom. Razz


I prefer Raven.
But, I answer to Misfit or Nobody.
Also Stupid Bitch, Shut Up, I Hope You Die, and Go Home.
Call me whatever.


Eighteen (18)

Country + Time Zone

United States, EST

Contact Info

In Order

Most Preferred
AIM: rascalraven
Texting: (Haha, no. 2)
E-Mail: beetlepup@gmail.com
PM: Here

Least Preferred
Virtual Pet List: Misfit
Pro Sim Union: Raven
Other: Telepathy
Other: Carrier Pigeon

How often/long are you on online?

If I'm offline, I'm dead.

All joking aside, I am currently graduated and do not begin school until Fall of next year, so until then, my schedule is going to be extremely open (barring Holidays). I'll update the staff team on my schedule for school as I figure that out. Likewise, I'm probably going to be seeking employment whilst going to school, to pay bills, so that too will come at a later date.

I'm usually on from ten in the afternoon to one or two in the morning (I don't got no shame, boy) considering my current schedule being fairly complacent. I also have unlimited texting, mobile, and AIM on my phone, so I am able to be in staff meetings or write small excerpts from my phone if I'm not able to get to my computer.

Are you working for any other projects currently?

I write, roleplay, and design in my spare time.
I'm not currently working on any larger projects of my own.
I primarily run roleplay forums, but they're fairly self operational.
I'd like to get writing and business experience and run my own SIM in the future.

What are your strong points in writing?

As with everyone else who has applied, and likely will for a job working on a pet site, I specialize in creative writing. Since I've spent over seven years roleplaying, my specialty lies in taking on the role of someone or something else and adapting to their mannerisms. I'm fairly good at portraying characters in speech and behavior, so writing something like an introduction for a shop and its owner or information page for a particular NPC would be a cinch.

I'm also fairly versed in creating unique environments for people to play in. My favorite thing to do with my own personal roleplay characters is give them a complex and interesting history and build as much depth as I can for them. This will probably help writing descriptions or developing things for new species, NPCs, or locations. I like to think my vocabulary is comprehensive, while not bordering on thesausus-humping.

I'm fairly flexible in my style though, so if you need me to write something out of the ordinary (for instance, if you set me up primarily as an item description writer and you need a short story for a plot, I'm more than willing to at least give it a try). I'm also generally receptive to criticism as long as it's justified and helpful.

Having read the September status update, the encyclopedia sounds like a perfect fit for me, if you're still looking.

What are your weak points in writing?

Honestly, if you can't already tell (you can), I tend to go on - not to say that I use an excessive amount of filler in my writing (I'm no Stephen King, I'm not going to take two pages to explain what color a character's earrings are and how the glitter like the stars in the night sky), but I've always had a knack for going into detail or being wordy.

I can write short, concise, and to the point things (such as item descriptions), but my strong suit lies in writing more detailed things (like pet descriptions, area descriptions, plots, stories, and the like). I can write non-fiction, or summarize facts, but it tends to leave me bored and wanting to spice it up a little (however, if it's something that is interesting on its own, it can be an exception). I also tend to go humorous with my writing, and if things start to get too serious, I bring in comic relief. I'm not the best person to write dramatic and serious things.

Please write a humorous description for an Axe Plushie!

Perfect for getting those pesky stuffed cats out of stuffed trees! It even squeaks upon impact. D'aw.

Write a potential plot for Utasia.

Little Zyrus Gets A Virus


The wrought iron reptile lay slumped, discarded in the ditch and left to the elements - rust already beginning to form on its once lustrous plating. The slightest movement threatening to send it toppling, rendering it nothing but a broken collection of bolts and screws; not that it was far from that at this point.

Gears began to grind, breaking apart the grime that had gathered between from disuse, dull black eyes igniting to an icy blue as the mechanical creature's systems whirred to life. The Zyrus began to rise to its feet, shaking off the debris that littered its metal body. A few hesitant, faltering steps were taken, but it wasn't long before the Zyrus was back to its old tricks, stomping around and emitting its mechanized roars. So far, everything seemed normal.

Within a few hours, however, the virus that was slowly ravaging its systems began to manifest - sapphire eyes fading into a dull crimson, occasionally flickering or displaying error messages. The familiar humdrum of robotic noises replaced by the peculiar scratching, hissing, and beeping of a malfunctioning CPU. Occasionally, shorts in the circuitry would cause a loud cracking noise, shaking the small creatures form. It didn't seem to be much of a burden to anyone else aside from a few inconsequential mishaps - so they left it to its predicament. That was, of course, until some very familiar symptoms began to show in their own Zyri.

This was just the beginning - a scorned pet leaving in its wake a destruction the likes of which Utasia's population had never experienced, nor had any inkling of how to control. Now that the virus has begun to spread, the devastation has grown exponentially since that seemingly uneventful morning. With no foreseeable fix, how much further will this epidemic spread?

(My plot title is just so witty, dontcha think? Based on one of these little guys. I assumed Zyri for a plural, instead of Zyrus' or Zyruses, but it's whatever. Alright, despite looking through the forums, the tumblr, and the Facebook page, I didn't find much information pertaining to the site - I only know there are humans on an alien planet and that some pets come from fossils, and robotic pets come from parts. With a bit more information, I could write a more elaborate or sensible plot, but this was just something I pulled out of the air for the sake of the application. I'm willing to redo it if it is not up to standard or does not follow the basics of the site.)

1 Since this is a development forum, it doesn't matter, but can anyone tell me why the names weren't allowed to register? Raven, Nobody, and Misfit. Preferably Raven.
2 Staff Team only, probably only really required after the internship. PM me. I have AIM on my phone, so this is just in case of writing emergencies or if the bossman needs to talk.

Last edited by Mutt on Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:57 am; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : FINAL PROGRESS SAVE - COMPLETE.)
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Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Empty Re: Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

Post  Draco Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:16 am

Hey Stupid Bitch Raven! It's quite nice to see a new face here.
Despite the fact that I Hope You Die, I feel you would make a nice addition to the team! I quite like the plot you made for the Zyrus [although I may be biased since I made the original concept for those buggers ahahaaaa].

I'll let Ardor know of your application! It may take a few days [due to the issues told of in the October update], so hopefully the wait would yield good results!

Now you may Shut Up and Go Home.

1. I'm not totally sure what causes the problem with usernames being taken. I've seen it happen with another forum with Forumotion, but I can ask Ardor for you to change your username if you wish!

The only form of contact I have is, quite literally, Snail Mail. I don't see us talking for a loooong while. Although I believe I can try brushing up on my Telepathy?
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Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Empty Re: Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

Post  Raven Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:35 am

Hey there, Malfoy!
Fancy seeing you here, as well.

Ahh, thank you, I appreciate it. ;u; I honestly didn't expect such a prompt reply, I just got on to check my e-mail (because I can't sleep, part insomnia, part turkey mm potatoes mmm gimme that sweet stuff) and it was like... A WILD REPLY APPEARS. Really glad you like my approach to the plot (ugh, they're so precious, I'm on such a dinosaur binge right now so he was perfect inspiration).

I don't mind a bit of a wait. I'm hoping for the best too though. But either way, knowing my application was actually not too obnoxious is a confidence booster itself. Writing the plot was so weird for me, because I'm used to writing as if I'm roleplaying, rather than writing as an omniscient being. I'll need to work on that, but I'm glad it translated well onto my application.

Pen pals are really cool, though! So retro! -dawns thick rim hipster glasses- But really though. It's a shame stamps cost money (albeit a minuscule amount) and depending on where they live compared to you, it may take three days to get there, or I'd actually get some pen pals. I'd include my number and wait for them to call and be like, "... Did you write this during an epileptic seizure? My dog had better handwriting than you, goddamn".

Well, considering you responded to this so quickly, I think my telepathic message much have reached you. I also don't appreciate what you said about my mother. That was rude. My mother is a saint. Also, I would love if you were to do that - I'd like it changed to Raven if possible for him. I've never used Forumotion (I've used JCINK, Proboards, and Invisionfree) so I'm not sure either, but hopefully it's easy to fix.
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Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Empty Re: Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

Post  Ardor Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:39 pm

First off, hi nice to meet you. I really enjoyed your application and I'd rather that you not have to wait for a few days so I'll go ahead and accept your application in place of the lead writer since she's been hard to catch lately. The writing forum is a little dusty at the moment, but don't let that intimidate you or anything! The writing assignments are full of things to work on, and you should be able to see the staff forums now. (magic.)
Unfortunately I don't use AIM, but message me on here if you want lots of backstory on the site, though I tried to put as much as possible in the writer's forum. Welcome to the team!

Also sometimes (actually alot) usernames are taken on here that no one has actually created. Its some sort of glitch. So if you would want me to change your username then I can, because the forum system appears to be a compulsive liar that won't taken it's medication.
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Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Empty Re: Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

Post  Raven Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:56 pm

Nice to meet you as well, Ardor! I was compulsively checking my e-mail to see if I got a reply to this today, and literally a couple of minutes after my phone dies (I've been over at my aunt's house since nine this morning, and I forgot my charger) you post here. I had a miniature heart attack. Anyways, thank you so much, hhh. -heavy breathing- I'll send her a message if I happen to see her online, to see if she has anything to say about my application (since her feedback is pretty important in my department, obviously), unless she wants to post here.

I don't mind a dusty forum - I've had to totally renovate forums so I'm used to a little clutter, and some confusion! Meanwhile, thank you for the access and I'm now going to read everything and cry quietly about how excited I am. You have no idea how much I appreciate you making me a part of the team. I'll send you a message if I find myself confused about anything. ♥

Ugh, lame! As mentioned, I've never worked with forumotion (or phpBB) so I don't have the slightest idea what is going on with it. Maybe it's possessive and it thinks my self deprecating names are a bad choice, maybe if I made my name something like Awesome, it'd let me right in. Or maybe it had an ex-girlfriend named Raven and it doesn't want to be reminded. Uh, but to the point - if you could change my name to Raven, that would be exceptional.


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Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Empty Re: Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

Post  Ardor Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:42 pm

I changed your name, simple stuff dere. When i'm on the forums I'll also be on the chat, so feel free to chat me up there anytime. :B
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