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No Internet, other news

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No Internet, other news Empty No Internet, other news

Post  Ardor Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:16 pm

First off as you may know I moved on the 30th. I still don't have internet at the moment, but I'm going to try to sign up for one today since I've had no internet I haven't been able to LOOK at internet providers. I'm on my brother's comp today getting some shit done. Once I order the service it'll probably be another week before they send me the modems and stuff in the mail. So I'll be gone for another week or so.
I also got a new job, so I'm doing a lot of that stuff right now. Filling out new hire paperwork, going in for things. Etc. etc. At least I'll be making a lot more money. My bro is also selling me his old car since mine is falling apart and I'm getting no where with the settlement. Basically it's been hectic, but some good things are starting to happen.

In Utasia news, our programmer haley aka dyl on vpl gave me some good news about coding progress over the summer. From what she tells me we can get a TON done over the next two or three months. It's been a little sparatic due to health issues, in case you were wondering. But she can finally get the procedure which will make her life 500% easier, so go give haley a pat on the back.

So in summary, I have very very rare and limited access to the internet at the moment. I have a little flip phone which can "browse the internet" <- questionable statement. And I can check my emails on it. So if you are dying to contact me then email me at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. Otherwise talk to Draco or Cirque if you need help with anything. Hopefully I'll have internet set up next week, so I'll see you guys then.
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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No Internet, other news Empty Re: No Internet, other news

Post  Ardor Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:53 pm

I officially have internet now. So you may now bug the shit out of me any time you want to. :3
Awesome Sexypants

Posts : 987
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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