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Introducing Interning

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Introducing Interning Empty Introducing Interning

Post  Ardor Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:17 pm

I'm introducing a new feature to how the staff team works here, but I've been planning this since day one. Since i'm trying to hire some more artists I figure I'll impliment this sooner rather than later.

So basically this is a system that gives me a better idea of what it is like to work with a new hire. Obviously not everyone works out. Some hires will join with the promise/intention of working, and I soon find out that it just isn't what happens. I don't like hiring people though.
So basically how this works is a new hire will be an intern for 1 month. They have the same quota and expectations as anyone else. During that month we can see what it's like to work with them and if they live up to the quota expected of the job. If they work out then good, if they don't then they already knew it was coming. No hurt feelings hopefully.

This applies to support, moderators, artists and writers. During this time we'll be training the mods/support to do their job right. Artists and writers need to live up to their quota, listen to directions and be good to work with.

So that's basically it. I just wanted to make everyone aware of this. If you have any questions feel free to ask here. :3
Awesome Sexypants

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Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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