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Post  Ardor Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:12 pm

I wanted to announce that we'll be be moving ahead with Utaisa like planned. I'll be working on Pixapets on the side lines, which may or may not be released before Utaisa due to it's much smaller size.

And also we have our programmer. You may have seen her around as the artist Haley. :3 So hopefully things can continnue to move smoothly for us! I'm hoping to release our video preview in a month or two to show the world about Utaisa.

And if you notice that I'm spelling our name funny, it's because I'll be using it as our domain name, since I can't obtain Utasia.com. I'm going to say it's because I want our name to be unique to the site, so I'm changing the spelling, haha. Razz

So that's pretty much it for the announcement. Kthx.
Awesome Sexypants

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Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 35
Location : Climbin in yo window's


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